Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Gamerghu, a numerous people of South Bornu, Central Soudan, where they occupy the Ujeh district watered by the Komadugu affluent of Lake Chad. They are a branch of the Ur-Wandalas, and differ in every respect from the Kanuri or ruling people of Bornu. The Gamerghu are muscular, well-made, with deep brown complexion and somewhat regular features, which can scarcely be called negro. Most of them are still pagans, the Mohammedan religion of their Kanuri rulers having penetrated only into the settlements along the main trade routes. Their chief town is Maidugheri, u. place situated on the Komadugu, with a population of 15,000. (Rohlf's Oner Durch Afrika, Leipzig, 1875, vol. ii.)