Galilee, one of the four Roman divisions of Palestine, is in the N. and extends from the Mediterranean to the Jordan. It is now part of the pashalic of Damascus in Syria. The upper part is generally hilly and well-wooded; the lower, level and fertile, though great irregularities of formation give evidence of volcanic action. The principal inhabitants of old times were Syrians, Arabs, Phoenicians, Greeks, and some Jews, who were much despised by their co-religionists at Jerusalem. The principal towns were Tiberias, Cana, Capernaum, Nazareth, and Nain. Tiberias, after the fall of Jerusalem, became a great seat of Rabbinical learning. The Sea of Galilee is a large lake about 13 miles long and 7 in width, and 820 feet deep, lying at the bottom of a great volcanic basin, and containing clear fresh-water well stocked with fish. To the S. lies the Jordan valley, and the river enters the lake through a narrow gorge.