Galatia, an ancient district of Asia Minor, separated on the N. by the range of Olympus from Bithynia and Paphlagonia; and having on the E. Pontus, on the W. Phrygia, and on the S. Cappadocia and Lycaonia. It is watered by the Halys - which flows through in a northerly direction - and its tributaries. According to Strabo, it was inhabited by three Gallic tribes who had an elaborate system of government and administration. It afterwards became Hellenised, but long-preserved its language and other distinguishing features, including the patria potestas (Gal. iv. 1). The country is an elevated plateau from 2,000 to 3,000 feet in height, being most level in the S., where it slopes down into the salt desert. The rest is down-land, and feeds many sheep and goats. There is little wood, and in the northern valleys and hills there are great extremes of heat and cold. The people are said to have originated from Gauls who separated from Brennus during his inroads.