Gaeta (anciently Gaieta) a coast town of S. Italy, in the province of Caserta, 50 miles N. of Naples, is situated on a promontory jutting into the Mediterranean, and is strongly fortified, and has been called the Gibraltar of Italy. Its bay, which has been spoken of by Virgil, almost rivals the far-famed Bay of Naples. The town has been often besieged, and became the refuge of Pius IX. in 1848-49, and that of Francis II. of Naples in 1860-61. There are many Roman remains, among them being a round tower, known as Torre d'Orlando, which is thought, to be the tomb of Plancus, of consular renown. The Constable of Bourbon, killed in the siege of Rome, is buried in the citadel. There is a cathedral - in which is the body of St. Elmo, and which has a former altar of Bacchus as a font - and many churches and convents. There is considerable fishing, and a coasting-trade in corn, wine, oil, and fruits.