Furnivall, Frederick James, M.A., Ph.D., was born at Egham, Surrey, in 1825, and educated at University College, London, and Trinity Hall, Cambridge. A barrister by profession, he has devoted his life to English philology and literature, which he has cultivated, not merely by the aid of various special societies, but by a considerable amount of laborious individual research. Dr.
Furnivall's chief works are L'Histoire del Saint-Graal, with its English reproductions, A Six-Text Print of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Caxton's Book of Curtesye, Bobert of Brunne's Chronycle, and The Bibliography of Bobert Browning. For several years he acted as editor of the Philological Society's new English Dictionary. In 1885 he received a Civil List pension, and of late years he has been engaged in somewhat controversial discussions on Shelley, He was in his earlier days a great authority on rowing and boat-building.