Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Funen, or Fuhnen (Dan. Fgen, anc. Fionia), the second in size of the Danish islands, is separated from Zeeland to the E. by the Great Belt, and from Jutland to the W. by the Little Belt. It has an area of 1,286 square miles, and an undulating surface rising into hills towards the W. and S.W. The soil is fertile, though the climate is very damp. Corn, flax, hemp, and fruit are grown, and dairy products, as well as cattle and meat, are exported. The coast has numerous small harbours, and many lakes exist inland. The chief river is the Odensee; the chief towns, Odensee, Svendborg, and Nyeborg, are all on the coast. The latter, being opposite Korser, is the terminus of the railway route from Germany to Copenhagen.