Forbes Duncan
Forbes, Duncan (1685-1747), was born at or near Culloden, and was educated at Edinburgh and at the University of Leyden. In 1709 he was admitted advocate, and in 1715 exerted himself in the Hanoverian interest. In 1722 he was M.P. for Inverness, in 1725 Lord Advocate, and in 1737 was made Lord President of the Court of Session. He took an active part in the politics of his country, and made strong efforts on behalf of Edinburgh when her privileges were threatened on account of the Porteous riots. In the rising of 1745 he was influential in keeping some of the clans from joining in the movement, and was pointed out by Lord Lovat to Charles Edward as a formidable foe, and he was obliged to take shelter in Skye upon the Prince's advance. His efforts on the side of the Government were hardly appreciated, and money he raised for it is said never to have been returned. He had advised the Government to embody the clans as regiments, but the idea was not adopted till later. He left some writings and correspondence.