Firoz Khoi
Firoz-Khoi, a numerous people of the Murghab valley, province of Herat, North Afghanistan. They are settled in the territory of the Zeidnat Eimaks [Eimak], with whom they are grouped by Elphinstone and other authorities; but the Firoz-Khoi are not Eimaks or Hazaras, but true Persians both by descent and speech. They form two main divisions - Mahmudi and Dezai, with 30,000 tents, or total population 150,000 to 160,000. (Invalide Russe, 13-25 April, 1879.) Firozpur, an Indian district of Lahore, forming a commissionership under the Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab. It occupies an area of 2,740 square miles, between lat. 30° 18' to 31° 10' N., and long. 74° 5' to 75° 29' E. The surface is generally level, with the exception of a few sand-hills and part of it is watered by the Sutlej. The district is healthy and, for most part of the year, dry, and produces wheat, barley, and other grain. There is a little cotton- and wool-weaving, and the Lahore road is the chief trade-route. The inhabitants are chiefly Mahometan, with some Hindoos.