Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Fichtelgebirge, a mountain group of Bavaria, forming the centre from which extends the Erzgebirge- in the N.E., the Frankenwald in the N.W., and the Bohmerwald in the S.E., determining the course of the Eger E., and the Saale N. to the Elbe; the Main W. to the Rhine, and the Naab W. to the Danube. Its chief heights are the Schneeberg (3,490 feet) and the Ochskopf (3,340 feet). The country is thickly populated and well wooded; and among the productions are iron, copper, vitriol, sulphur, lead, marble; and mother-of-pearl is obtained from the streams. Iron-mines, forges, blast-furnaces, and charcoal-burning provide occupation for the people. A watering-place called Alexandersbad is coming into vogue as a pleasure and health resort.