Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-graecum), an erect annual leguminous plant about 2 feet high, probably a native of Asia, but cultivated for hay by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and still in Egypt and India. Its leaves consist of three leaflets, the terminal one stalked; the flowers are in axillary umbellate clusters, and the sickle-shaped pods contain ten to twenty seeds, from which 6 per cent. of a bitter oil can be obtained. The seeds are used in curry-powder, in cattle foods, and to improve the flavour of inferior hay. The whole plant, and especially the seed, contains the arematic principle coumarin (C9H6O2), which also occurs in the Tonquin Bean, in sweet wood-ruff, in melilot, and in the sweet-scented vernal grass Anthoxanthum odoratum, giving the perfume known as "new-mown hay."