Farrar, The Very Rev. Frederic William, D.D., I'.R.S., Dean of Canterbury, was born at Bombay in 1831. He received his early education at King William's College, Isle of Man, and King's College, London, passing thence to Trinity College, Cambridge, as a graduate and scholar of the
University of London. After a distinguished academical career he was ordained in 1854, and became a master at Harrow under Dr. Vaughan and Dr. Butler. In 1871 he was elected head-master of Marlborough College", and held that post with credit till his appointment as Canon of Westminster and Rector of St. Margaret's in 1876. He was made Archdeacon in 1883, Chaplain to the House of Commons in 1890, and Dean of Canterbury in 1895. As a Churchman his sympathies have been broad, with a tinge of evangelical feeling, but he neither has founded nor attached himself to any school, and his great work has been to popularise theology and religious history. He first essayed literature as a writer of stories of public school life, and produced Eric, Julian Home, and St. Winifred's. The science of language for a time occupied his attention, and several philological works followed on his romances. In 1874 appeared his Life of Christ, by far his most striking achievement, and this was succeeded by The Life and Work of St. Paul in 1879, and The Early Days of Christianity in 1882. His Eternal Hope (1877), in which he argued against the existence of Eternal Punishment, caused a considerable sensation. As a preacher also his reputation stands deservedly high.