Farquhar, George, born at Londonderry in 1678, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin, took to the stage very early, but abandoned it, owing to an accident by which he inflicted a mortal wound on a brother actor. Coming to London, he got a commission in Lord Orrery's regiment, but combined with soldiering the composition of sprightly, though licentious, comedies. His first piece, Love in a Bottle, appeared in 1698, and was followed by The Constant Couple, Sir Harry Wildair, The Stage Coach, The Inconstant, The Becruiting Officer, and The Beaux' Stratagem. The last, though written at a period of mortal sickness, is undoubtedly his meesterpiece, and has kept the stage until the present day. He had a remarkable talent for the drama, and his plays are full of vivacity and light humour. Unhappily, just as he was on the verge of success, his health broke down mainly through struggles against poverty and the growing cares of a family. He died in 1707, leaving two daughters whom he commended in a touching letter to his friend, Wilks.