Faed, Thomas, the son of an engineer, was born at Burley Mill. Kirkcudbright, in 1826. As a child he showed an aptitude for painting, and in 1841 was able to begin a course of study in Edinburgh, where he exhibited successfully many charming pictures in water-colours and oil, chiefly illustrative of Scottish life and manners. In 1852 he settled in London, being then an associate of the Royal Scottish Academy, and in 1864 he became a Royal Academician. Among his many numerous and popular works may be mentioned The Motherless Bairn, Home and the Homeless, Walter Scott and his Friends at Abbotsford. The First Break in the Family, The Last of the Clan, and The Shepherds Wife. His elder brother, Mr. John Faed, is an artist of great merit in the same line, and his Cotter's Saturday Night. Soldier's Return, Stirrup Cup, John Anderson, My Jo', and Gamekeeper's Daughter, hardly fall short of the standard attained by his younger kinsman.