Esquiros, Henri Alphonse (1814-1860), a French poet, novelist, and politician, was born in Paris. His first work, Les Hirondelles, was published in 1834, followed shortly by a novel, Le Magielen, and another, Charlotte Cor day. His Evangile du Peuple was a modernising of the life of Christ, something after the fashion of Mrs. Lynn Linton's Joshua Davidson. Imprisoned for his opinions, he wrote Les Chants dun Prisonnier. In 1847 he wrote Histoire des Montagnards, and in 1851 Histoire des Martyrs de la Liberie. In this year he was expelled from France, and went to Holland and to England, where he became a professor at Woolwich. His sojourn in these countries gave him material for writing La Neerlande et la Vie Hollandaise and The English at Home. In his latter years he returned to France, and was elected to the Assembly.