Espartero, Baldomero, Duke of Vittoria (1792-1879), a Spanish statesman, was born in La Mancha. In 1808 he entered the Students' Battalion during the War of Succession, and in 1814 he went to South America, where he fought under Bolivar. In 1836 he was again in Spain, and was Captain-General of the Basque provinces against the Carlists, against whom he gained several successes. As a. reward for this he was created a jvandee of Spain and Duke of Vittoria. From 1840
to 1843 he was regent in place of Queen Christina, after which he came to England for a time. From 1854 to 1856 he was at the head of the government, and in 1870 was even proposed as a candidate for the crown, but in 1870 he threw his lot in on the side of King Alfonso.