Equestrian Order
Equestrian Order, The,(Lat. equus, horse), formed in early days the cavalry. of ,the Roman army. These were said to have originated with Romulus, who caused each of the three tribes to furnish 100 horsemen. Later their number was increased to 3,600, who might be appointed from patricians or plebeians, and still later a property qualification admitted to what had become a privileged political order. The horse for a long time, as well as pay for his keep, was provided by the state, and the censors had power to take away a man's horse - i.e. degrade him from the order - for misconduct. By the time of the Gracchi the order had practically ceased to have military importance, and became a capitalist and commercial, but non-noble class. From that period to the reaction under Sulla (except for a short interval) the order exercised the judicial functions till then confined to the Senate, while after 70 B.C. they shared them with the Senate. Under the Empire the order gradually declined in power and importance.