Episcopius, Simon (Hollandish-Biscop, 1583-1643), a Netherlandish theologian, born at Amsterdam. He graduated at Leyden in 1606, and studied under Arminius and his opponent Gomar, finally taking the side of Arminius. In 1610 he became pastor of a village near Rotterdam, and pleaded the cause of the Arminians in a conference at the Hague. His appointment as Professor of Theology at Leyden gave great offence to the Calvinists, and he and his adherents were condemned at the Synod of Dort. For a time Episcopius retired to Rouen, where he wrote on behalf of Arminianism, and also had a controversy with a Jesuit. In 1626 he returned to Holland, and died Rector of the Arminian College at Amsterdam. Among his works are his
Confessio (1622), Apologia pro Confessione (1629), and Institutiones Theologicce, written after his return to Holland, and left unfinished at his death.