Eotvbs, Josep (1813-1872), Hungarian statesman and author, was born at Ofen. He studied philosophy and law at the University of Pesth, and before 1831 had produced three dramas, one of which was a tragedy. He practised law for a short time, and then travelled in many countries of
Europe, and wrote upon prison reform in 1838. He formed a friendship with Kossuth, and became known as a journalist, and in the Diet. After the Revolution of 1848 he was Minister of Public Instruction under Batthyany, but he resigned and retired to Munich for three years. In 1851 he returned to Hungary, and in 1855 became Vice-President and in 1866 President of the Hungarian Academy. In 1867 he was again Minister of Public Instruction. A collection of his political writings was published in Leipzig in 1846. He also wrote some novels, The Carthusian, The Village Notary, and Hungary in 1514.