Ems. 1. A river of Germany, rising in the S.E. of the Teutoburger Wald in Lippe Detmold; it flows N.W. through Rhenish Prussia and through the W. of Hanover, falling into the Dollart See near Emden. It has a course of 234 miles, and is navigable on the tide for 13 miles to vessels of 200 tons. A canal unites it to the Lippe and so to the Rhine.
2. A Prussian town of Hesse-Nassau, on the Lahn, and a well-known watering-place from the 16th century onwards. The water is warm - from 70° to 118° Fah. - and saline, and is considered beneficial in cases of catarrh and gout, and in affections of the lungs, stomach, or kidneys. It is highly charged with carbonic acid. The annual visitors average 8,000, and much water is bottled for export. Here took place the memorable interview between the King of Prussia and Benedetti in 1870.