Emperor, the highest rank among sovereigns, the name being derived from the Latin imperator, which has in German been rendered as Kaiser, in Russian Czar, from the subordinate Latin title C'cvsar. The word, which strictly meant holder of the supreme power, was bestowed, under the republic, as a title upon victorious generals. After the fall of the republic the name was applied to the supreme ruler, and eventually became his most usual title. It was especially associated with military power. It was lost in the West, though long retained in the Byzantine empire, but was revived at the restoration under Charles the Great of the Holy Roman Empire. The Emperor then had theoretically the same ascendency politically as the Pope spiritually - an ascendency often disputed, and never fully admitted. Napoleon adopted the title of Emperor in this sense of ascendency, and the German Empire of the present day involves the same fundamental idea, as does also the Queen of England's title of Empress of India, and the expression "Imperial Parliament."
Emperor Moth (or Satumia earpini), a large moth interesting as the only British representative of the Saturniidce, the family which includes many of the best-known of the silkworms and the great Atlas moths. The English species has large brown fore wing's which measure more than two inches in expanse: the hind wings are yellow. The larva, which is green dotted with pinkish spots, is most commonly found on heaths.