Emden, a town of Prussia, in the kingdom of Hanover, on the right bank of the Ems (q.v.), near the entry of that river into the Doilart See. The streets are wide and well-paved, and the solid redbrick houses and the abundance of canals that intersect the town give it a Hollandish appearance. The Hofkirche dates from the 15th century, and has a lofty tower, as has the Stadthaus. The roadstead admits large vessels at all times, but the port - consisting of an outer and two inner harbours - is dependent upon the tide. The chief industries are shipbuilding, brewing, distilling, and the manufacture of leather, hosiery, tobacco, and soap. The chief exports are grain, dairy produce, gin, hides, tallow, and wool; and hemp, timber, potash, wine, and colonial produce are imported.