Eck, Johann Maye von (1486-1543), a German theologian, who took his name from his birthplace, Eck, in Swabia. He was learned in the works of the fathers, and was skilful in argument, and was a formidable opponent of Luther and Melancthon. He studied at Heidelberg and other places, and was ordained in 1508, and was appointed Professor of Theology at Ingolstadt, a post which he held till his death. He challenged Luther and Carlstadt, and in 1519 held a disputation with them at Leipzig, with Luther upon the Pope's supremacy and similar points, with Carlstadt upon grace and free-will. He made three journeys to Rome, from the first of which he brought back the bull which proclaimed Luther a heretic. He took part in several conferences, among them being the Augsburg Diet in 1530 and that of Worms in 1540. His work upon Papal Supremacy was written in 1520, and his controversial works were collected into four volumes.