Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Durian, the fruit of Durio zibethinus, a large tree belonging to the Stevculiaceae, commonly cultivated in the Malay archipelago. It is spherical, 6 to 8 inches in diameter, with a thick hard rind covered with strong sharp prickles. It is five-chambered, each chamber containing from one te> four seeds as large as chestnuts, which arc roasted and eaten.' They are embedded in cream-coloured pulp with an odour of rotten onions or putrid meat, but with a delicious flavour, compared to a rich, custard flavoured with almonds with suggestions: of cream-cheese, onion sauce, and brown sherry. It is eaten when not quite ripe, raw, cooked or pickled, and is pronounced even bys imo Europeansto be perfect.