Durban, the port of Natal situated almost at the intersection of the 30° S. latitude and 31° E. longitude, is on the northern shore of a bay almost enclosed by the land. The climate, though hot, is healthy and suitable for Europeans, who form nearly half of the population. There are some good public buildings, and fair roads with side-walks, and the town is supplied with water from the river a few miles away. There arc Town and Botanic Gardens, two parks, and a race-coeerse; a tramway of 4| miles leads through the main street, and to the European quarter on some low hills overlooking the town, and the government railway to the interior has its terminus here. The town was founded by the Dutch, who had a republic here till 1842. There is an inner harbour of 4,700 acres, and 27 feet deep, and a new breakwater has been constructed.