Dupleix, Joseph Francois, Marquis (1697-1764), a French statesman and famous governor of the French East Indies, was born in Hainault, of which province his father was farmer-general. At the age of 18 he went to sea, and made voyages to America and India, where he remained. In 1720, by means of the influence he was able to command. he was war-commissary and member of the Superior
Council of the French colony. As governor-general he encouraged trade and developed Chandernagore, besides getting a footing in Patna. In his projects he was greatly aided by his wife, who was skilled in Oriental languages and customs, and together they succeeded in establishing a preponderating French influence throughout the Carnatic. When in 1746 war broke out with the English East India Company, Dupleix and La Bourdonnais would perhaps have crushed the Company could they have agreed together. Dupleix fortified Pondicherry, and defended it when besieged. After the peace he was recalled - to please England, it is said - and the Government refused to make good the private fortune he had expended in defending their possessions. Had Dupleix had his hands free it is possible that he might have made India a French empire.