Dunois, Jean, "the Bastard of Orleans," was born at Paris in 1402, being the natural son of the Duke of Orleans and Mariette d'Enghien, Madame de Cany. Recognised and educated by his father, he early distinguished himself in the war against England, and in 1428-29 joined Joan of Arc in defending Orleans and in the victory of Patay. Seven years later he entered Paris in triumph, having raised the siege of the capital as well as of Chartres and Lagny. He was mainly instrumental in driving the English inch by inch out of the lie de France and Normandy. He then instigated Louis XI. to rise against his father, but made up for his disloyalty by expelling the English from Guienne and Bordeaux. For these great services he was legitimated by Charles VII., created Grand Chamberlain, and loaded with honours, of which Louis XI. deprived him. He next took part in the league against that monarch, but, playing the part of a mediator in the quarrel, was restored to his former dignity, and died in 1468.