Dundonald, The Hon. Thomas Cochrane, sometime Lord Cochrane, and afterwards tenth Earl op, a very brave and distinguished naval officer, was born in 1775. He entered the service in a nominal capacity in 1780, but did not actually go to sea until 1793, having previously been gazetted to a captaincy in the 79th Foot. In 1795, as acting lieutenant of the Thetis, 42, he contributed to the capture of two French inen-of-war; in 1799 he took part in a very gallant boat action off Gibraltar; and in 1800 he was made acting captain of the French prize Genereux, 74. He was in the same year made commander in the sloop Speedy, 14, in which he executed some of the most daring exploits in our naval history. Particularly celebrated is his action with, and capture of, the Spanish frigate Gamo, 32, in 1801. The Speedy herself was afterwards taken by a French squadron, but Lord Cochrane was speedily exchanged, and posted for his successes. He next distinguished himself in the Pallas, 32, and Impcriense, 44. While commanding the latter he led the attack upon the French shipping in Basque Roads on April 11, 1809, and for this most heroic service he was made a K.B. In 1814 certain charges, which were afterwards proved to be utterly false, were preferred against him, and he was deprived of all his professional rank and honours. He thereupon assumed command successively of the insurgent navies of Chili, Brazil, and Greece, behaving everywhere with the highest heroism and resource and gaining special glory by his marvellous capture of the Spanish frigate Esmeralda. In 1830 Lord Cochrane was reinstated in his place in the British navy; in 1831 he succeeded to the family peerage; and in 1847 the Order of the Bath was at length restored to him. He had become a vice-admiral in 1541, and became an admiral in 1851. In 1860 he died. His lordship published most interesting accounts of his adventurous and honourable life, and his Autobiography of a Seaman should be read by every English-speaking boy.