Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Duchesne Andre
Duchesne, Andre, was born in the Touraine, France, in 1584, and from his boyhood showed a keen interest in archaeology and geography. His first work, published when he was eighteen, displaying considerable erudition, Richelieu became his patron, and made him historiographer to the king. Among his voluminous works may be mentioned Les Antiquites et Recherches sur la Grandeur des Rois de France, Les Antiquites des Villes, Chateaux, etc., Histoire d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse, et d'Irlande, Historiae Normannorum Scriptores, etc. He left a great mass of manuscripts, which served as materials for his son Francois, also an eminent antiquarian. Duchesne died in 1640, having been run over by a carriage in the neighbourhood of Paris.