Dry Rot
Dry Rot, a disease in timber destroying its fibres into a mass of powder. In oak it is commonly produced by the mycelium or spawn of the fungus Polgporus hybridus; in coniferous wood by Mcrulius lacrymans, the growth of which is especially promoted by want of ventilation, and the presence of moisture and warmth. The careful selection of sound wood suitable for the purpose, leaving it, if possible, unpainted so as to allow air to pass through it, and careful seasoning, as by soaking in running water or in salt, are all recommended as preventives. The best, however, is creasote or heavy tar oil, which is forced into the wood at a temperature of 120° Fahr. under a pressure of 150 lbs. per square inch. A cubic foot of fir will absorb 8 to 10 lbs. of creasote. The creasote coagulates all the albuminoids in the wood. If the disease has begun, corrosive sublimate may be effectual in checking it.