Drouyn de Lhuys, Edouard (1805-1881), a French statesman and diplomatist, entered the diplomatic service in 1830. He was charge d'affaires at the Hague when the Belgian revolution broke out. In 1840 he was head of the commercial department of the foreign ministry, but he opposed Guizot in the Chamber, which he entered in 1842, and lost office in 1845. He became foreign minister again under Odillon-Barrot in 1848, English ambassador 1849. and foreign minister from 1851, after the Coup d'Etat, to 1855. He was for a time head of the State railways, and he endeavoured to prevent the Crimean war. In 1862 he was again foreign minister, and tried to bring about the reconcilement of Rome and Italy. After the Prussian war of 1866 he was in favour of French intervention. After the fall of Napoleon III. he retired to Jersey, but afterwards returned to France, where he died.