Dresden, the capital of Saxony, is on the Elbe, 62 miles S.E. of Leipzig. It consists of two parts - one, Altstadt and Friedrichstadt on the S. bank of the river; the other, Neustadt and Antonstadt on the N. bank. The river is crossed by three bridges, two of which, the Augustus and Albert Bridges, have some architectural beauty, and the other, the Marienbriicke, is for railway and carriage traffic. The town is pretty and pleasantly situated, and is ornamented with squares, statues, and gardens. On the S. bank is a good promenade called the Bruhl Terrace. Among its attractions are the Academy of Arts, with fine drawings and architecture, the choir of the Catholic cathedral, the conservatoire of music, the museum with a fine collection of engravings, drawings, and 2,430 pictures - chiefly Italian and Flemish. The Zwinger, once built as the vestibule of a projected palace, is a museum, and the Johanneum, once royal stables, contains a historical museum, a gallery of arms, and a magnificent collection of porcelain. There are also the Augusteum, a museum of antiquities, a royal public library, the royal palace, with a notable collection of precious stones, etc. The Grosse Garten is a large park of 350 acres. The town has also palaces, a town hall, and fine theatre. Of the churches the chief are the Frauenkirehe, the Sophienkirche, and the Kreuzkirche. There are many industries, but Dresden china is made elsewhere. The Elbe furnishes a ready means of communication. Dresden has played no small part in the history of Germany. Of Slavonic origin, it has often suffered in war. Napoleon received here a reverse from Russia; and the town was occupied by the Prussians in 1S66.