Dreams. Dreams arise from the fact that the brain is often in a state of partial activity during sleep; hence profound sleep is almost certainly dreamless, though some maintain that even in that condition we do dream, though on waking we do not remember what we have dreamt. The subject matter of dreams is some previous, and generally recent, mental experience; but we are quite ignorant as to the manner in which this is recalled during sleep. Physical causes also induce and modify dreams; an uneasy position, an overloaded stomach, impeded respiration or circulation, or a low state of health, will generally cause uncomfortable dreams, and the sleep which follows overindulgence in alcoholic and other stimulants is usually disturbed by wild, fantastic visions.
Dreams have played an important part in the history of all faiths. Tylor considers them to have been the germ whence the idea of the soul was first developed amongst races of low culture; and in every faith they have been considered one of the means by which the Divine will was conveyed to man (Job xxxiii. 14-16). [Divination.]