Down, a coast county in the S.E. of the province of Ulster, containing 612,399 acres, and having a length of 50 miles by 13 miles broad, with a coastline of 67 miles. The coast is indented by Belfast and Strangford Loughs and Dundrum and Carlingford Bays. The chief rivers are the Upper Bann and the Lagan, while the Newry Canal and the Ulster Canal give a good water communication. The south is mountainous, and the Mountains of Mourne rise to a height of 2,796 feet. The rest of the country is diversified by hill, dale, and plain, and is fertile. The ohief crops are corn, potatoes, flax, and turnips, while pigs, horses, and cattle are reared. Much fine linen and muslin are made at the homes of the people, and there are manufactures of hosiery, thread, leather, woollens, and salt. These are largely exported, as are also corn, butter, pork, and hides. The bulk of the population is Protestant, a large proportion being Presbyterian. The principal towns are Kirkpatrick and Newry. There are many ancient remains of round towers, castles and abbeys, and cairns. Down returns four members to Parliament and Newry one.