Douglas, the name of one of the most ancient Scottish families, whose border life gave them experience in war and made them formidable. Some of the most noted are William, the companion of Wallace, "good" Sir James who fought at Bannockburn and carried the heart of Bruce to the East, and Archibald, Regent of Scotland, killed at Halidon Hill, William the 1st Earl, who fought at Poitiers, James the 2nd Earl, killed at Otterburn, 1388. The later Douglases were a younger branch of Angus, and were called Red Douglases by way of distinction from the older branch of Black Douglases. Lord Darnley's mother was the great granddaughter of Archibald Bell-the-Cat. The Dukedom of Douglas, founded in 1703, became extinct in 1761. The line of Angus is now represented by the houses of Hamilton and Home.