Doubs, a department of eastern France upon the Swiss and Alsatian frontiers, with an area of 2,010 square miles. The chief rivers are the Doubs (270 miles) and the Ognon (120 miles), both tributaries of the Saone. The country is hilly, and in the S.E. the Jura Mountains rise to a height of 4,600 feet. The climate is rigorous and moist, and though agriculture is backward, it is advancing, lands being drained and reclaimed, and three-quarters being now under cultivation, or planted with timber. The chief products are wheat, oats, vine, and figs. There is much pasturage and making of butter and cheese, and rearing of horses and goats. There are iron mines and manufactures of ironware, clocks, glass, paper, and pottery. The capital is Besancon.