Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Doran, John, Ph.D. (1807-1878), an English man of letters born in London. He knew French well, and for this reason was chosen in 1823 as a tutor for the foreign travels of G. Murray, afterwards Duke of Atiiole. He afterwards held other travelling tutorships. He was in later years acting editor of the Athenceum, and afterwards editor of Notesand Queries. In 1824 his melodrama, Justice; or, the Venetian Jew, was produced at the Surrey theatre, and in 1828 he published a History (jf Reading. Among his many other works are Their Majesties' Servants, a history of the stage. A Lady of Last Century, Mann and Manners, Letters from Sir Horace Mann to Horace Walpole. and in 1885 was produced posthumously In and about Drury Lane.