Donizetti, Gaetano (1797-1848), an Italian composer born at Bergamo, where he studied as well as at Bologna. He entered the Austrian military service, and in 1818 his first opera Enrico de Borgogna was produced at Venice. In 1822 he produced Zoraide di Grcmata, and left the army. His Anna Bolena in 1830 brought him much renown, which was increased by Lucia di Lammermoor in 1835. In 1840 he was at Paris and wrote La Fille du Regiment, Lucrezia Borgia, and La Favorita. His comic opera Don Pasquale was a suceeess, but his later works were failures. His health gave way, he was attacked by paralysis, and returned home to linger and die. Donizetti wrote over 60 operas, and he was a rapid worker, being said to have written some of his operas in the course of a few hours. He followed first Rossini and later Bellini, and his works are marked by their melodiousness and a neglect of orchestral effects.