Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic, called also San Domingo, consists of the eastern part of Haiti, embracing two-thirds of the island, and having an area of 20,587 square miles. The state is administered by a president elected by universal suffrage every four years, assisted by a Congress of 22 members. The Republic was originated in 1843, and then reverted to Spanish authority till 1865, when a revolt re-established the Republic, which, with frequent revolutions, has gone on till now. Owing to the unsettled state of things civilisation is backward, but American influence has tended to develop its resources. In the south and west sugar is cultivated, as are tobacco, coffee, and cocoa, while there are exports of mahogany, dyewood, and guano. The country also produces gold, quicksilver, iron, and coal, and there is a railway of 72 miles. The chief commerce is with the United States, England, France, and Germany. Education is free and obligatory. Spanish is the prevailing language. The capital is San Domingo.