Domars, a fierce Brahui tribe [Brahui] in the Zarghan hills on the Baluch-Afghetn frontier, where they had long been the terror of the surrounding populations before the British occupation of the Pishin Valley. They lived solely by rapine, extending their plundering expeditions as far as the Helmand and Arghandab rivers. They are scattered in small, groups over the slopes of the hills, whence they descend in winter to the Shal Valley, near Quettah, where they pitch their skin tents. The Domars grow a little corn and vegetables, but at present live chiefly on the produce of their flocks. Although nominal Mussulmans they still practise some primitive rites totally opposed to the teachings of the Koran. They are physically a fine race, rapidly increasing in numbers and wealth since the establishment of orderly government in Baluchistan (Bellew, Indus to Tigris).