Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Dolgans, a Tatar people of Central Siberia, settled on the Yenissei river between Dudinka and the Katangar river, where they are conterminous with the Ostiaks. In appearance the Dolgans resemble the kindred Yakuts of the Lena basin, and like them speak a pure Turki dialect, which shows certain marked affinities to the language current amongst the Tatar populations of Tobolsk, Tuimen and other parts of West Siberia (Seebohm, Proceedings of the R. Geo. Soc, 1878). West Siberia was the seat of the ancient Tatar kingdom, many of whose inhabitants were driven east after the Russian conquest, and are now probably represented by the Dolgans of the Yenissei and the Yakuts of the Lena.