Dogras, a historical people still dominant in Jammu, that is, the outer hills of South Kashmir, skirting the north frontier of Panjeib, and called Dugar, a contraction of the Sanscrit Dvigartdesh, "Land of the Two Valleys." The Dogras appear to be fundamentally Mongolic Jats assimilated in speech, religion, and even appearance to the surrounding Aryan populations, with whom they have been in close contact for ages. Chief castes -- Rajput, including the Mians and working Rajputs; Kheltri (traders, munshis, etc.); Khatar (peasants); Banya and Kretr (hucksters); Nai (barbers); Jiur (carriers); Dhiyar (smiths); Megh and Dim (scavengers, charcoal-burners, brickmakers, etc.). The low castes are the direct descendants of the pre-Aryan hill tribes, who were reduced to slavery by the Hindu invaders. Dogri is a Neo-Sanscritic language intermediate between Hindi and Panjeib, and current throughout Jammu; it is written with two alphabets, both modifications of the Devanagari. All the Dogras belong to the Hindu religion, except the Western Chibellis, who occupy the left bank of the Jhelum, and who are Mohammedans. They are a small people, about five feet four inches high, physically weak, with light brown or almond complexion, jet black curly hair, deep brown eyes, slightly snub nose, and well-formed mouth (Fr. Drew, Jummoo and Kashmir).