Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Dobrudja, The, a territory in the S.E. of the kingdom of Roumania, bounded on the - N. and W. by the Danube, on the E. by the Black Sea, and on the S. by Bulgaria. It was assigned to Roumania by the treaty of Berlin on the 13th July, 1878. A railway of 59 miles from Tchernavoda to Kustendje is on a road, made in 1855 by the French Government, from the Black Sea to the Danube. The chief industries are the rearing of sheep and beasts, the keeping of bees, fishing, and the manufacture of salt. The population is very varied, containing among others Roumanians, Bulgarians, Tartars, Cossacks, Greeks, Turks, Jews, and Germans. The capital is Babadagh.