Dix, John Adam (1798-1879), an American statesman and general, born at Boscawen, in New Hampshire. He became a soldier at fourteen, and distinguished himself in the war against England in 1812. His father - Colonel Dix - was killed in the battle of French Mills. After sixteen years' service in the Artillery the son came to New York, and became an advocate. He was in Congress and in the Senate 1845-49. He was opposed to the extension of slavery and advocated free trade. In 1861 he became Buchanan's Financial Secretary of State. He joined the War of Secession as major-general, and displayed much energy in Maryland and Eastern Virginia. In 1863 President Lincoln summoned him to New York to suppress the Conscription Riots. He was French ambassador 1866-1869, and governor of New York State 1872-74. He is not unknown as a writer.