Diuretics, substances which increase the amount of the urinary secretion. Diuretics either act by modifying the calibre of the minute arteries and so raising the blood pressure in the kidney, or by actually stimulating the epithelium of the urinary tubules. Among the former class, the vascular diuretics, may be mentioned such drugs as digitalis, scrophanthus, and squills, which raise the pressure in the arteries generally; and spirit of nitrous ether, turpentine, juniper, copaiba, savin and cantharides, which have mainly a local action affecting the renal blood-vessels. The diuretics which act upon the epithelium belong for the most part to the group known as saline diuretics (certain salts of potassium, sodium, and lithium). Certain of the aromatic oils and oleo resins act, however, in a similar manner.