Diocletian, C. Valerius Diocletianus (45313), a Roman, who, though of insignificant birth and a native of Dnlmatia, was declared emperor by the army in 284 A.D. He fought, in Mcesia, and conquered the Allemanni, and was a general favourite. He took to share the government with him M. Aurelius Valerius Maximus, and, later, C. Galerius and Constantine Chlorus. Of the four parts of the empire as thus divided Diocletian ruled Thrace, Egypt, Syria, and Asia. The great feature of his reign was the restoration of the power of the empire, which had been on the wane. Ecclesiastically, he is known as having sanctioned one of the persecutions of the Christians. In 305 he resigned his dignity, retired to Dalmatia, and dug his garden in peace. [Spalato.]