Diaz Bartholomew
Diaz, Bartholomew (d. 1500), was a Portuguese navigator who, starting upon an exploring expedition with two vessels, sailed down the coast of Africa and anchored at Agras das Voltas in 29° S. latitude. He sailed on south and doubled the Cape of Good Hope, and reached the bay of Lagoa on the east coast. It was his desire to sail on in search of Prester John's country, but his sailors, like those of Columbus, thwarted his wishes. He again doubled the Cape, to which he gave the name of Cabo Tormentoso on account of its storms, but this name was changed by King John II. of Portugal to that which it now bears. In 1500 Diaz commanded a vessel in Cabral's expedition, which resulted in the discovery of Brazil, if, indeed, it had not already been discovered, a point which is doubtful. On the way home Diaz was lost together with the vessel which he commanded.