Dher, or Dhera. 1. A low-caste people of Gujerat, West India, forming the very lowest and most despised section of the population in the Surat, Ahmedabad, and Baroda districts; physically, they can scarcely be distinguished from the Bhils (q.v.), of whom they probably are a branch, degraded by the slavery imposed on them by the Hindus for many ages. The Dhers live in scattered groups, occupying wretched hovels of foliage, and depending on the chase, fishing, and the carcases of dead animals thrown to them by the Hindus. Some are Workers in leather. 2. A people of the Talperu valley and Gadalguta Hills, left bank of the Godaveri, Bastar district, India; are half-caste Gonds and Aryans, of Gondi (Dravidian) speech (Captain Holdich, Proceedings Royal Geographical Society, June, 1879.)