Deschamps, Eustache (1320 to circa 1400), a French poet, as to whose name there is some doubt, since Deschamps was an epithet denoting his origin, and the name Morel, which was also applied to him, is thought to have had its origin in his swarthy complexion. After studying law, philosophy, and astronomy at Orleans, he travelled in Europe, Asia, and what was then known of Africa. He took part in the war with England, and was so indignant at having his property overrun and plundered by the English that he lost no opportunity of satirising the English nation in his poetry. He married, but his married life seems not to have been a success, since up to the age of 90 woman and marriage were to him favourite objects of satire. His works were numerous, and as he created the ballad, or at least laid down rules for its composition, he may be fairly considered to have a better claim to the title of Father of French poetry than Charles d'Orleans, upon whom it is generally bestowed.