Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Dejazet, Pauline Virginie (1797-1875), a French actress born in Paris. She went on the stage at the age of five, and played for some time the parts of children, boys, and soubrettes at Lyons. In 1821 she entered at the Gymnase, where she played till 1834, when she migrated to the Palais Royal. From 1844 to 1849 she played at the Varietes. She played in Paris, in the provinces, and in London. In 1859 she took the management of the Folies Dramatiques, and in 1868 retired upon a pension of £80. For her vivacity, spontaneousness, and perpetual youth she has been called the "actress of young people," and compared to Anacreon's cicada.