Deffand, Marie de Vichy-Chamrond, Marquise du (1697 - 1780), a, noted letter-writer and woman of society. Born of a noble family of Burgundy, she was sent to a convent in Paris, and there her sceptical views led to a visit from Massillon, who hoped to re-convert her, but vainly. She married young a man much older than herself, but the ill-assorted marriage was soon followed by a separation, and the young wife plunged into the vortex of the corrupt French Court of the time. A biographer styles her une des filles de joie du lupanar du Palais Royal. Tiring of this life, she returned to her husband, but after a few weeks left him for ever. In 1778 she had formed a friendship with Voltaire. She later had a liaison with Henault, with whom she remained till his death. She then retired to a convent, where, however, she kept up her mundane acquaintances and habits. At the age of 68 she made the acquaintance of Horace Walpole, and seems to have loved him. Her correspondence was chiefly with Voltaire, the Duchess of Choiseul, and Walpole. She has been looked on as a sort of mirror of the life of the Regency period.